Passport Application
Passport applications must be submitted personally by the applicant at the High Commission of the Republic of Ghana.
Applicants under 18 years of age must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.
Passport processing takes between four to six weeks and the applicant would be informed when the passport is ready.
All applicants must be Ghanaian nationals, and evidence of Ghanaian citizenship will be required in the form of an expired passport, Ghanaian birth certificate etc.
Applicants holding only Ghanaian birth certificates will be required to submit some other proof of identity such as school certificates, driver’s license or employment/student/other ID card, to confirm that he or she is the person whose name and details appear on the birth certificate.
1. An applicant for a new passport must duly complete a passport application form and return it with four passport-sized photographs (except for Biometric passports) and other relevant documents, e.g. birth certificate, Expired/current passport.
2.All supporting documents must be submitted in original form, and not photocopies. Such original documents will be returned to the applicant.
3. An application for a passport may be submitted six months to the date of expiry. An application for a new passport may also be submitted when the pages of current passport are all endorsed with visas/stamps.
An application for a new passport for a child born in Malaysia or any of the countries of concurrent accreditation, must be supported by a birth certificate and the Ghanaian passports of either of the parents.
Kindly note that passports would not be issued to applicants who were born in Ghana and claim to have travelled outside Ghana without their Ghana passports or applicants with lost passports.
The normal process would be for such applicants to return to Ghana to apply for a passport from the Director of Passports, Accra.
Passport Forms RM 120
Passport Processing RM 700
Payments should be made by Cash only
Newly issued passports should be collected personally by the applicants. The applicant will be required to fill in and sign the appropriate column of the passport collection book.
For the machine readable passports, applicant will have to append his or her signature in the passport in the presence of the Head of the Consular Section before the passport will be released to him/her.